Volume 2: Bodies
From the biomedical to the spiritual, bodies contain pluralities. Our understandings of our anatomy, whether material or otherwise, have unbounded interpretations.
For Volume 2, we invited submitters to explore the landscape between bodies, human, Divine or otherwise through creative modalities. Reconstructed is rooted in the understanding that people contain multitudes. Our submitters respond to this call with an openness to varied understandings of how bodies and proximity to Islam may look and feel.
Image description: A spread from our interview with non-binary music duo mirrored fatality in Volume 2: Bodies on white paper. Photos of Volume 2’s cover by Alia Ali in the background!
Image description: Zoomed in look at a spread from Volume 2 featuring a purple and white illustration of a person next to Natasha Hakimali Merchant’s writing.
Image description: Kinza Arif’s spread in Volume 2, featuring text about her work as well as one of her paintings on white magazine background.
Image description: Outer cover of Volume 2, sitting on a table opened upside down. Highlighting some of front cover image by Alia Ali and the back cover which is Black with white text, featuring Reconstructed’s mission statement.
Image description: Photo of a spread in Volume 2 of Y. Malik Jalal’s artist statement and 3D works on white magazine background.
Image description: Three spreads from Volume 2 in a collage form on a black background.